Possessing swinging function, and available with welding modes of different specifications, and can thus achieve the best welding effect.Swinging speed, angle, off-centering position, and left and right stay time can be modulated at ease, and the digital tube displays various modulation data.Relatively wide section aluminum track makes the whole machine more stable in center of gravity; the under part of the track is installed with permanent magnet with switch, making it convenient for installation and movement.The drive is partially installed with manually operated clutch, which is convenient for rapid positioning of the machine on the track; the guide wheel is also provided with the engaging and disengaging gear, which is very convenient for install and uninstall of trolley and guide rail.V Can deliver vertical angle welding and horizontal angle welding, and suitable for welding of cross section of reinforce,etc. Vacuum suckerguide rail be selected for welding of stainl^s steel or aluminum materials.Widely applied to ship, bridge, engine, petrochemical complex, and steel stmcture work, etc. Wavering mode: Note: 2M Flexible Rail 2 Set per Standad package